Cultural Projects

Olavsfest 2022

“TRONDHEIM INTERNATIONAL OLAVSFEST is a value based festival taking place annually between July 28th and August 3rd. A week filled with people and festivities, with high quality concerts and talks, with a wide range of artistic and cultural expressions.” Olavsfest Website

Led by designer Håvard Gjelseth, the project entailed recreating the style of weaving of the late Hannah Ryggen, using 3d software, only fed by the illustrations of Oda Sofie Granholt. The weaver, Dorthe Rejkjær, was attached to the projects as a technical consultant, ensuring the digital weaving looked genuine.

Olavsfest 2020

The central tenet of the 2020 festival theme was to be illustrated through various forms of statues. Directed by designer Håvard Gjelseth, I digitally sculpted all, textured, lit and rendered out the images.